Monday, July 12, 2010


I don't want to stand under someone's wing or be overshadowed.
I want my quiet strength to speak louder than any audible voice.
I want to stand on something solid
be that ice, or cloud or ocean.
I don't want sugar-coated senseless words to slip off my tongue ever,
But in always watching, asking, offering an ear
All the laundry drying in my head
It seems you have to be a magician
to pull the lost change out.

Out my mouth
my words, my thoughts, my heart
But I am still lost.
I've changed, am changing,
stretching wings and shuffling feet
checking in the mirror a little too often to see what others see
in my eyes and soul
when even I don't know but fragments
clips of dreams and hopes and doubts and filtered sunlight
I need to trade scissors for glue and recreate
This collage that is me.

1 comment:

  1. Documents most like this: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (about the domestication of people), and this story (
