Sunday, September 4, 2011


I wrote this poem a few years ago, when I kept feeling like my world was being turned upside down. It may not be clear, but it is about choosing faith over fear based on what I heard from God instead of what my bat-like eyes could see. The "folded wings" refers to prayer.

i am a bat
blind and unobservant that way
no hands to grasp
to hold onto life as is
right side up
instead my feet take control
keeping me from falling
as i hang.
and wrapped in my wings
i wait
upside down
for that time when i shall take to the sky
letting go
into the night
not trusting my wings
when i should
depending too much on sight
when it is useless
i should listen
for there is my strength
hearing the faint echoes
outlines of what lies ahead
giving me a place in my surroundings
a knowledge of what is passed
keeping me from getting lost and ending up alone.
stars my only friends
faint and distant
dependable, not fickle
exhilarating independence
a newly found freedom
until i grow tired
taking a pause to rest
i try to find my footing
hoping for security
that will last another day
of hanging upside down
eyes closed and folded wings.